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The Origin of OutVox

Architectural gold glass ceiling

The success of OutVox (formerly WALKER) is due to our philosophy that pressing strategic concerns should be answered by getting outside the 4 walls of your company and carefully listening to the voice of your customers and prospects, as well as the market. It means paying attention to the Outside Voice (OutVox), rather than relying on internal speculation. Relying on this data brings about meaningful strategic, operational, and go-to-market insight and has a significant impact on success.

We’ve participated in numerous exits over the years and have been privileged to work with great management teams. Each has shared that our outside-in approach gave weight and credibility to both our analysis and recommendations in a way that other management consulting firms fell short. Each has also shared that our ability to successfully implement those recommendations set us apart.

We hope you enjoy the new company name and website and look forward to your feedback. Let’s continue to out-position, out-perform, and OutVox the market!